May 28, 2009


What actually happened in the Red Mosque (Lal Masjid) and why the government actually handled the situation as they did. The stance of Sheikh Abul-Rasheed Ghazi and the Red Mosque in Islamabad, Pakistan

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  1. wah ga isa coment, lom nonton pilmnya :))
    ntar abis download n liat ta komentari deh

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    Succes for You..My Friend...bro gw mau kasih award buatmu...tunggu besok!!

  3. waduh.
    pengen koment apa.?
    blum liat pilemnya.
    heheh :D

  4. anuh, dah download dah liat tp ga bisa ngasi coment apa2, soalnya ga mudheng bahasanya :(
    kalo cuma liat gambarnya aja tanpa paham jalan cerita/ pesan yg disampaikan ya ga berani komentar, takut salah :))

    btw, forex-dreamer itu juga blog gw :))

  5. waaah, blm nonton film nya saya... keep share yaow... Berikan komentar terbaik anda untuk saya ya thanks.....

  6. blm tau nh...ada link buat download pilmna g..?? hehe...

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  11. waduh, 668MB? kapa beresnya ya. soale ak konek pake hp seh, lambat bgt. mampir ya dsitusku and kasih comment jg ok!


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